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Build your own water pump and filtration system

Never run out of water again with this simple but effective DIY water pump, filtration and purification system

Keeping your property safe

Engraving your drivers license or mobile phone number on your valuable items could help you get them back if they get stolen

Gearing up for winter camping in comfort

As winter starts to take its grip it’s not the time to hibernate - a whole new world of camping opens up.

3 alternatives to a butane gas stove

With 'lunchbox' style butane cookers on the way out, what are the alternatives?
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Best Hiking Boots – Keen Targhee Mid Hiking Boot Review

After 500km on the track, here is my review of my Keen Targhee Mid Hiking Boots

BANNED – Portable Butane Gas Stoves

Portable butane gas cookers BANNED due to concerns they could explode

Things get crazy when Bronco blows a tyre at 100kmph

When I think of Ford Broncos on freeways I immediately think of OJ Simpson in his white Bronco being chased around the LA freeways...

Self inflating life jackets – slimline, lightweight, essential!

Technology and life jackets have joined forces and the old bulky yellow foam 'barges' has been replaced by these lightweight, slim line and self inflating units.
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Tips for choosing your tent

There's nothing like a leaky tent to turn even the most hardened camper for home. So here are the top tips from Camping in Style for selecting the best tents.

VIDEO: Setup and pack down of a gas lantern

Camping in Style author, Angela Armstrong, explains how to safely, quickly and effectively set up and pack down a gas lantern for camping in style.

Why choose a gas lantern for camping?

Camping in Style author, Angela Armstrong, explains why a gas lantern makes the perfect light for your Outdoor Kitchen (Style 3).

How to fix a flat tyre with a tyre plug

Using a tyre plug you can fix some punctures without even taking the wheel off the car
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