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How to get a printed copy of our free Big Lappers Guide Book eBook

If you’ve downloaded your free copy of our 300 page Big Lappers Guide Book and would like to get a printed copy . . . here’s how to do it.

Last week we announced that for the duration of the coronavirus lockdown we would be giving away our Big Lappers Guide Book eBook for FREE.

We normally sell the eBook for $17 and also include it in our All Access Pass but we want to do what we can to help fellow stranded travellers while the roads and state borders are shut.

And we figured that giving you a big fat book to read to keep you focussed on your road trip plans will help distract you from the fact that we are all currently in lockdown!

So far the response has been HUGE with over 1300 copies downloaded in the last few days already – awesome!

Click here to download your copy if you haven’t already.

When I wrote and designed the book I always intended for it to be an eBook and not a printed edition.


For starters, the first edition is 300 pages, and that is mostly text (around 100,000 words) – not loads of photos and white space to pad it out.

Future editions will be even bigger.

With most of us having a laptop or tablet computer these days, I reckon now is the time to make the jump from printed books to digital, and the PDF eBook format works brilliantly.

In the eBook I’ve embedded over 150 web-links to other useful websites, products, Facebook groups etc which you can get to by just clicking the link in the eBook (Can’t do that in the printed edition!).

And there is also the issue of weight and space – If you’re planning your Big Lap, every kilogram counts, so lugging another KG of paper around doesn’t really make sense.

BUT . . .

Having said all that, I know that there are plenty of people that still prefer good old fashioned paper.

In fact I kinda knew this would be the case when I was desigining the book in the first place so I deliberately designed it to be very easy to print.

It’s A4 size with the right sized margins and the text and heading colours all print nicely in black and white (even though they are colour in the eBook).

My thinking was that as much as I think the eBook format is better, I don’t want to make it hard for people to get a printed version.

So anyway, with 1300 odd eBooks downloaded in the last week I’ve had quite a number of people ask if they can buy a printed version.

Well, you can . . . but not from me.

If I were to get copies printed myself and post them to you from our office in Melbourne, I’d need to charge around $70 per copy by the time I pay for the printing and the postage and make a few $$ profit for the trouble.

And with Australia Post going super slow these days, you’d be waiting anything up to 3 weeks to get your copy.

Doesn’t make a lot of sense.

So how do I get a printed copy?

The simple solution is that you download the eBook PDF file and take it to Officeworks and get them to print a copy for you.

To prove the theory, I did it myself this morning and it cost me $38.04 to print.

Just download the PDF eBook (Approx 23mb), copy it to a USB drive and take it into your local Officeworks or other photocopy/digital print business.

This is what you need to ask for:

  1. Cover page printed single sided in colour
  2. Text pages printed double sided, black and white on 80gsm paper
  3. Clear acetate front cover
  4. Black leather craft back cover
  5. Spiral bound

That’s it!

At my Officeworks in Richmond they printed my book while I waited and I was out of there in 15 minutes.

You should end up with something like this:

Fun fact:

Back in the 1990’s Jen and I used to own a digital printing business called ‘PrintDirect’ which was on City Road in South Melbourne.

Our business was all about printing short run training manuals, books, brochures, catalogues and other ‘on demand’ printed products.

Books like The Big Lappers Guide Book would have been a perfect print job for us and we printed thousands of similar products!

If we still had that business we would definitely be printing the books and despatching them ourselves, but without access to the commercial digital printing machines we had back then, sending you to Officeworks is the best solution.

If you haven’t already downloaded your free copy of The Big Lappers Guide Book eBook then use this form below to request your copy.

Good luck with your trip planning.



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Steve Baile
Steve Baile
I’m the founder of Expedition Australia, a writer, filmmaker & adventure travel junkie. Passionate about my family, health and fitness, hiking, 4WD touring, adventure motorbikes, camping and exploring as much of the planet as I can.

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